Be Inspired or Get Inspired

Article Writing

You put down your mug of steaming coffee and open your email. Great, a new job has arrived. You open up the message and…

At this point we need to branch into two different scenarios. You either punch the air with joy because you need to write about something you love or you put your aching head in your hands because you have to do 10 articles about soap making kits again.

The first thing we need to look at is that absolutely no freelance copywriter in the world spends all day writing about things they personally like. In an ideal world this would be the case but the reality is that I am not even remotely interested in a lot of things which other people are. Yet these people have the right to find well written and informative articles about what they like.

If you work for a copywriting agency then you probably have a slightly better time of it if the person who sends out the work takes the time to understand what all of their writers are good at and prefer doing. Some even offer you the chance to state a preference for new jobs.

However, even in the best-case scenario there is just now getting away from the time when you need to write something which doesn’t inspire you in the slightest. You have put it to the bottom of the pile several times. You have drunk your body weight in coffee during your procrastinating and still you have no idea what to write about.

What do you?

“Get inspired” is the answer I would humbly suggest. If the subject doesn’t get you all excited then it is up to you to find a way in which it will. This will make your life a lot easier and more enjoyable in the long run so here we will check out a few ideas.

Be Inspired or Get Inspired – Find an Angle

I mentioned soap making articles earlier. I have no real interest in making my own soap but that doesn’t mean that I can’t get a temporary burst of inspiration for the subject. Maybe I could write about making soaps individually designed for friends at Christmas.

Perhaps I could come up with some outlandish soap designs or discuss the idea of making household objects out of soap. If you are creative then you can come up loads of ideas for any sort of product at all, even if some take more effort than others. Here is an interesting article on how to get inspired –

Where’s the Personal Connection?

Do you have a relative who would love to make their own soap or one who has some quirk such as using that bizarre coal tar soap? Even if you haven’t then just make one up. It is often a lot easier for copywriters to get creative inspiration if they can picture a character who brings the subject to life. I tend to weave a mixture of real life and fact into my articles about dull subjects in an attempt to liven them up without resorting to downright lies.

Make it Light Hearted

Unless it is a job which doesn’t give you much freedom for being light hearted then this is a great way to enjoy the writing of the articles a lot more.

Since we’ve been speaking about soap I’ll stick with the subject just a little bit more. “5 Funny Things You Can Do with Home Soap Kits” would be infinitely more interesting for me to write than “5 Reasons to Make Soap at Home”. Of course, we are all different but I reckon that sticking to these three points can help most freelance copywriters make the most of those articles they dread to receive.

Editorial brought to you by Freelance Copywriter – Copyandco

Freelance copywriters Copyandco has brought you this article about how you can get inspired and writing something wonderful that will attract readers. Copyandco is a freelance copywriting company in South Africa, Cape Town.  Do you need help with you content on your website? Do you need optimised content that your readers will love and even share or retweet? For any copywriting help please

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